We are currently open and shipping out products as usual. We are monitoring the COVID-19 situation carefully and will update as we adjust to the situation.
Mimi -Iyan (Pounded Yam) 2 lb
Mimi -Iyan (Pounded Yam) 10 lb
Milo drink 900g
Milo 400g 2 Deal
Mi Hungry BBQ Sauce
Medeiros Extra virgin oil 17fl oz
McLAS Almond Culinary Artificial Flavoring
Mc Vities Digestives 355g
Mc Cormick Mayonesa W/lime725g
Mazola Corn Oil 2.5 Gal
Mat Kuli Kuli
Maseca White #1
Maseca Corn Flour
Marie Sharp's Beware Hot Sauce
Mareli Salted Plantain Chips
Marcum Iodized Salt 26 oz
Mantia's Thin Spaghetti
Mama's Choice Plantn Fufu 53oz
Mama's Choice cocoyam FuFu24oz
Mama Lycha Tamarindo Dulce 8oz
Mama Lycha Sweet Chips 6pkt
Mama Lycha Red Beans 2oz