We are currently open and shipping out products as usual. We are monitoring the COVID-19 situation carefully and will update as we adjust to the situation.
Nkulenu Banku Flour 1.2kg
Nkulenu Corn Dough 1.2kg
Nkulenu Prekese & Abedru palm s
Nkulenu's big palm drink
Nkulenu's Palm Soup Base
Nkulenu's small palm drink
Non-Stick Dutch Oven
Nut Harvest Cashew
Nutra Slim Tea
Nutrameal dry maize 5kg
NUtrameal ujimix 1 kg
Nutrameal black Njahe beans
Nutrameal finger millet 1 kg
Nutrameal Millet whole
Nutrameal pigeon peas 1kg
Nutrameal Soya Beans 1 Kg
Nutrameal whole wheat 1kg
Nutrament Vanilla
Nutriclair Glycerin 250ml
Nutriclair Glycerine
NyameDea Hausa Koko 500g
Nyrobee Wimbi Flour
Oat flour 10lb
oat flour 5lbs